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A camping we will go


A camping we will go

One of the most fun things about camping has been the outdoor cooking experience. There is something very comforting about watching campfires dotting a field, as the sun starts to go down, while you're huddled over your own (blowing and coughing and sputtering, and fanning frantically. I just ruined the mood there didn't I? Sorry!). Over the last few years we've made our fair share of meals over a campfire and on our handy portable hob (purchased after much research. About as much as went into buying the cute camp cooking set and toaster!).

If you're a camping newbie, here are 5 really easy and tasty camping recipes.



Recipe: mushroom burgers

There's a National Burger Day I had no idea about till earlier this week! So while the pubs and cafes and restaurants and burger joints were fighting it out for hungry customers, we decided to make our own. Here's my mushroom burger recipe :)
